Ending Gender-Based Violence in Europe : Implementing Strategies for Protection and Prevention
Conférence organisée par Public Policy Exchange
Clare Moody
European Parliament
Marijke Weewauters
Advisor, Head of the Belgian Federal Coordinating Unit on Genderbased Violence
Instituut voor de Gelijkheid van Vrouwen en Mannen, Institute for the Equality of Women and Men
Pascale Franck
Vice Chair & Director
Family Justice Center Antwerpen
Irene Rosales
Policy and Campaigns
European Women’s Lobby
Prof Dr. Monika Schrottle
Chair of Women’s Research, Rehabilitation and Pedagogy, TU Dortmund
Project Manager, EIGE Measurement Framework of Violence against Women in the EU
Cinzia Sechi
Senior Advisor
Gender Equality
European Union Trade Union Confederation
Hillary Margolis
Women’s Rights in Europe & Central Asia
Orla O’Connor
National Women’s Council of Ireland
As both a consequence and a cause of asymmetries in gender dynamics, gender-based violence is a breach of human rights and a savage form of oppression. Whilst a pressing issue for both sexes, the impact is exponentially greater upon women; since the age of fifteen, one in three women has suffered sexual or physical violence. This endemic problem is also a lethal one, with Psytel and the European Women’s Lobby stating that 50 women die every week from gender-based violence. Public perceptions on the issue are clear. Over half of Europeans believe that gender violence is the most urgent problem undermining women’s equality – a firm response from Europe’s institutions is urgently required.
2017 has been dubbed a year of focused action against gender-based violence, with the Commission launching a programme to cement its commitment to eradicating all forms of violence against women and girls, and to reducing gender inequality. It is actively calling stakeholders at local, regional, and national levels and looking to address the funding gap; €4 million will be dedicated to supporting Member States in developing and implementing practical ways to combat violence against women. Another €6 million will be used to support transnational grassroots projects, for which civil society organisations will be encouraged to submit project proposals. The Daphne Programme (III) has now been replaced and incorporated within a broader Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020, focusing on children, young people, women and other high risk groups, such as migrants and refugees.
And yet, despite the rhetoric of focused action, significant problems persist; the causes of domestic violence are complex and interrelated – often intertwined with structural poverty and economic interdependency. Underreporting and data collection are also some of the most pressing outstanding issues; the vast majority of incidents go undetected, with only a third of the most serious reported to the police. Improved data collection will not only assist the development of comprehensive legislation at national and EU level, but also allow professionals to adapt and reinforce support systems for victims. At present, the EU policy addressing violence against women is based on Council conclusions, resolutions of the Parliament, and Commission strategies. However, none of these documents are a legal instrument which bind the Member States; has the time come for a specific Directive?
This timely International Symposium will analyse the existing challenges in shaping a truly comprehensive strategy for tackling gender-based violence in the European Union. The Symposium will examine the role of organisations at the local, national and supranational level, in moving to eliminate all forms of domestic and gender-based violence. The Symposium will also support the exchange of ideas and encourage delegates to engage in thought-provoking and topical debate with local and regional practitioners and policymakers at EU level.
Delegates will:
- Examine the current legislative framework for tackling abuse and gender-based violence and discuss strategies for harmonization and implementation
- Explore the concrete forthcoming actions in 2017 by the European Commission to eradicate all forms of violence against women and girls and reduce gender inequalities
- Understand the challenges, typologies and emerging forms of gender-based violence and abuse
- Discover sustainable solutions, prevention scenarios and methods for successful public engagement and awareness raising
- Discuss methods to ensure the protection of victims and successfully target perpetrators
- Utilise the added value of major stakeholders, international and regional organisations in constructing holistic strategies for empowering and protecting victims of domestic and gender-based violence
- Assess the contemporary policy landscape for the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020 and find out more about funding for civil society project proposals
- Explore examples of best practice and transferable models of intervention Programme
For further details, please refer to the enclosed event brochure. Do feel free to circulate this information to relevant colleagues within your organisation.
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Public Policy Exchange
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